In-store audio retail media

In-store retail media is not only on screens - it's also audio advertising. Ads are typically played in between background music. Audio ads are delivered via IP speakers.

For running the ad operations, you need an in-store retail media platform. Doohlabs is a complete in-store retail media platform that can operate both video and audio advertising.

Platform features

The platform offers all features for audio advertising from trafficking materials to creating & selling audience-based products and distributing them to the right people in the right stores at the right time.

It contains an audience inventory that can receive either 1st party or 3rd party data.

From inventory, you can build data-based audience products. Audience products can be sold with in-built media sales tools, via self-service or programmatically.

Doohlabs platform knows when and where the wanted audience is best reached and plays audio at optimal times in stores.

Platform can also operate store announcements considering individual store operating hours reducing the amount of manual work involved to a minimum.