Who are the winners in retail media?
A question may arise: where does the money for this new medium come from? Do the advertisers re-allocate their resources? Does the retailer move money from one pocket (traditional promotions and trade marketing) to another one? Boston Consulting Group estimated in March 2022 that 60%-70% of the revenue is new and tops the traditional trade revenue.
And as the benefits for brands to measure, monitor, and optimise their marketing efforts in retail media are so great, the mediums that are not involved in it will surely lose markets to others. For any media company that wants to compete in the emerging world of omni-channel consumer marketing, retail media is a must for their offering.

Doohlabs In-Store IMPACT platform offers your company all the needed elements for creating your own in-store retail media network: Media Sales tools or API for your sales team, a targeting engine for building and controlling target groups, and CMS and Ad server to handle the publishing. Book a demo to see us in action!